PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WHAT: Unveiling of Human Rights Billboard In the City of Pasadena WHEN: Monday, December 3, 2007 - 2:00PM WHERE: South Arroyo Pkwy and Del Mar Blvd. (North East corner at the Mobil Gas Station)

Lucie Morillon, Washington, DC Director of Reporters Without Borders USA will attend a billboard unveiling on one of Pasadena's main thoroughfares with Ann Lau, Chair of Visual Artists Guild, and other community leaders, including Bll Paparian, the former Mayor of the City of Pasadena, Jim Morris, community activist, Father Gerard O'Brien, Pastor of Assumption Catholic Church, Bob McCloskey, labor leader, Jim Morris, a Pasadena community activist, Tseten Phanucharas, from Friends of Tibet, and Harden Carter, a prominent City Planner in Southern California and resident of Pasadena. The City of Pasadena has become a focal point for a growing number of human rights organizations and activists who oppose the Beijing Olympics "Float of Shame" that will be featured in the Pasadena 2008 Rose Parade on January 1st as a kickoff event for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. "We fully support efforts in Pasadena to educate residents and leaders about human rights abuse in China," stated Lucie Morillon. In an open letter written on November 29, 2007, to Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympics Committee, Reporters Without Borders continues to press the International Olympic Committee about China's treatment of reporters leading up to the Beijing Summer Games, and the need to release the almost 100 journalists and "cyber dissidents" Internet users who are currently detained in China's prisons. In July, 2006, the Visual Artists Guild and Reporters Without Borders held an international 10-city press conference which brought attention to the plight of Ching Cheong, the Singapore Straits Times journalist, who faced the threat of the death penalty by the PRC for merely doing his job as a journalist. For further information, please contact Ann Lau at 310/539-0234 or 310-433-0697. Visit and cited "disturbing reports" about the way Chinese authorities are planning to deal with the tens of thousands of journalists expected to attend next year's Olympics.
Video : Say NO to the Beijing Olympic Float of Shame - Say YES to Human Rights Help China Keep its Olympic Promise - Don't Reward Beijing *China * Darfur * Burma* Tibet* - *All Human Rights Disasters * * * * * Help China Keep its Olympic Promise * * * *