Blue Flower

Written by Admin   
Nov 29, 2007 at 12:00 AM

P R E S S   A D V I S O R Y –  F O R  I M M E D I A T E   R E L E A S E

Please join us to call on spectators of Rose Parade to
turn their backs on the Beijing Olympic Float
Tell your friends!

WHAT:  Call on the spectators of Rose Parade to
               TURN THEIR BACKS to the
               Beijing Olympics Float of Shame
               during the Rose Parade
               on New Years Day of 2008.

WHEN: Thursday, November 29, 2007  7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

WHERE:  Pasadena High School, 2925 E. Sierra Madre Boulevard
                (Pasadena Vice-Mayor Steve Haderlein will be holding a raffle for Rose Parade grandstand tickets)


A Rose float from Beijing will be featured at the Pasadena 2008 Rose Parade on January 1st as a kickoff event for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. In response to the ongoing and well-documented human rights atrocities and religious persecution in China, human rights organizations are requesting that spectators of the Rose Parade show their support for human rights by turning their backs to the Beijing float when it passes by on New Years Day, 2008.

Say NO to the Beijing Olympic Float of Shame
Say YES to Human Rights
Help China Keep its Olympic Promise
Don't Reward Beijing

* China * Darfur * Burma* Tibet * - *All Human Rights Disasters *

CONTACT: Visual Artists Guild Ann Lau at 310-539-0234 or visit
* * * * Please Help China Keep its Olympic Promise * * * *